12 Essential Ninja Facts
Discover the hidden world of Japan's shadowy warriors with these 12 intriguing ninja facts. From secret passwords and invisible ink to clever disguises and animal mimicry, these tactics reveal the cunning and resourcefulness that made ninja masters of espionage and stealth. Dive into the art of deception and uncover the ingenious strategies that allowed these covert operatives to outwit their enemies and move undetected in the dead of night.
1. Ninja used clever passwords to identify one another, often pairing words like "sun & moon," "smoke & fire," or "water & waves." These verbal cues were combined with subtle physical gestures, such as pulling the ear or scratching the nose, to confirm their identities discreetly.
2. The Bansenshukai, an ancient ninja manual, advised that during night raids, ninja should avoid wearing armor or any banners that might reveal their clan or allegiance, allowing them to move undetected.
Shinobi Missions
3. Ninja were often deployed to gather crucial intelligence, such as topography, troop numbers, enemy movements, and the status of camp supplies. They would then relay this vital information back to their superiors.
4. To cross water barriers like rivers or moats, ninja utilized a technique known as the "floating bridge." They stretched a rope ladder with bamboo rungs across the water, securing it with iron spikes or digging tools, allowing them to traverse without being seen.

Dealing with Guard Dogs
5. In preparation for infiltrating a target's home, a ninja might visit the area a few nights in advance to poison the enemy's dog, ensuring a quiet entry on the night of the mission. Rice balls laced with strychnine were commonly used to silence the guard dogs.
6. For navigating through deep marshes, ninja wore specially designed wide, flat shoes that allowed them to move swiftly and silently across the treacherous terrain.
7. The sounds of rain and wind were often used by ninja to mask their movements during missions, blending their footsteps with the natural environment.
8. To throw off pursuers, ninja would imitate the sounds of animals like cats and dogs, creating confusion and diverting attention away from their true location.

9. As a defensive measure, ninja would scatter caltrops—sharp, spiked objects—along their escape routes and outside doors. These traps would injure and slow down anyone attempting to follow them.
Ninja Communications
10. Ninja used a variety of signals, including marks, bells, and fires, to communicate with team members. Positioned in elevated spots, signallers could relay crucial information between teams inside and outside of a target area.
11. For secret communications, ninja employed covert writing techniques such as using soy bean juice as invisible ink. Messages were often split into sections and distributed among multiple operatives, with the full message only revealed when all the pieces were reassembled.
12. To blend in during their missions, ninja would often disguise themselves as traders or monks. However, their deception went beyond mere costumes—they needed to convincingly adopt the speech, mannerisms, and knowledge of their chosen disguise to avoid suspicion.

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