New Details About Ishizuka Sensei's Book

A transformative project is underway in the world of martial arts literature as Ishizuka Sensei, the esteemed headmaster of Gyokko Ryū, prepares to release his upcoming book.
Guiding this journey is Kacem Zoughari, a dedicated disciple and historian, translating the profound teachings into a narrative that encapsulates Gyokko Ryū's essence.
Roberto Chaves, an artistic visionary, lends his design prowess to create a visual experience that harmonizes tradition with contemporary aesthetics. Complementing this fusion of art and wisdom is William Ustav, the meticulous editor ensuring precision and coherence in bringing Gyokko Ryū's timeless teachings to life.
At the heart of this endeavor is the profound exploration of koshijutsu, the cornerstone of ninjutsu, as elucidated by Ishizuka Sensei in a revealing video interview with Kacem Zoughari. Ishizuka Sensei emphasizes the paramount importance of passing down the understanding gleaned from extensive practice in taijutsu and koshijutsu to each student with precision and authenticity.
Image: William Ustav / Bujinkan Hirameki Dōjō
“My main purpose is to pass down correctly to every student the understanding through experiences and situations that come from the long practice of taijutsu and koshijutsu.”
The book is thoughtfully structured, with each chapter delving into different facets of Gyokko Ryū's profound teachings. Chapter one serves as a comprehensive primer on koshijutsu, encompassing its historical evolution, methods of practice, and techniques for conditioning the body—a testament to Ishizuka Sensei's dedication to preserving the essence of this ancient art.
In chapter two, readers are immersed in the practical application of Gyokko Ryū, focusing on its techniques across three levels and the fundamental principles encapsulated in the kihon happo. This section promises to provide practitioners with invaluable insights into mastering the intricacies of this venerable martial tradition.
The third section of the book offers a glimpse into the lineage and transmissions of Gyokko Ryū, recounting Ishizuka Sensei's personal encounters with luminaries such as Takamatsu Sensei and the invaluable lessons imparted by Hatsumi Sensei. Through these anecdotes, Ishizuka Sensei underscores the rich tapestry of wisdom woven through generations of masters, ensuring that their legacy endures through his teachings.

“There are too many inaccurate books published by people who only practiced and studied a little bit.”

Central to Ishizuka Sensei's vision is the aspiration to rectify the proliferation of inaccurate martial arts literature that plagues the modern landscape. By offering a carefully researched and authentically crafted reference book, he seeks to provide a beacon of clarity for practitioners seeking to navigate the depths of Budo with integrity and reverence.
In a poignant conclusion to the interview, Ishizuka Sensei imparts a timeless message, advocating for the holistic pursuit of excellence through the study of diverse arts such as photography, dance, music, and calligraphy. This approach reflects Gyokko Ryū's ethos of cultivating the complete budoka.
Ishizuka Sensei's upcoming book is not just a publication; it's a conduit connecting ancient traditions with a modern audience.
Image: William Ustav / Bujinkan Hirameki Dōjō
“Without this knowledge, it is impossible to grasp the various aspects of ninjutsu.”

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