Ishizuka Sensei's Legacy Unveiled

A transformative project is taking shape.


Ishizuka Sensei, the revered headmaster of Gyokko Ryū, is writing a compelling exploration of the school, its masters, and the path of practice. Guiding this journey is Kacem Zoughari, a dedicated disciple and historian, translating the profound teachings into a narrative that encapsulates Gyokko Ryū's essence.


Roberto Chaves, an artistic visionary, lends his design prowess to create a visual experience that harmonizes tradition with contemporary aesthetics. Complementing this fusion of art and wisdom is William Ustav, the meticulous editor ensuring precision and coherence in bringing Gyokko Ryū's timeless teachings to life.


Ishizuka Sensei's upcoming book is not just a publication; it's a conduit connecting ancient traditions with a modern audience.